jueves, 16 de junio de 2011


Products   transgenic 
The surprisingly rapid growth in the area planted with transgenic crops faces agricultural producers with on enormous challenge according to James (2000) the total area planted with such crops in the world increased from 7 million  to nearly million  hectares between 1996 and 1999  
The united states Canada   and Argentina accounted for 98% of the total area planted with transgenic seeds in the years 2000 in the year 100% of the area planted with such crops corresponded to soya beans ,maize cotton and canola in the year 2000 the united states  environmental protection EPA warned growers of modified maize they must reserve between 20% and 50 %  of the cultivated area for traditional products in order to help stop the increase I transgenic crops
At the same time the cultivation of transgenic crops can cause socio  economic change in less developed countries by displacing lab our from one of its principal economic activities in those countries an important source of employment  is the cultivations of staple crops such as maize and the can displacement of the lab our force employed in this can endanger the livelihood  of a considerable part of the popularities
the aplica tión of biotecnología to crop they chain has given these grater resistance to pests diseases and adverse enviro mental conditions  

Crops 1995
Crops 1999

1 Producer with an enormous change ?
   transgenic crops faces agricultural  
2 new and more powerful ?
3 can cause socio economic change ?
4 The biotechnology industry is ?
   Run mainly by a small group of transnational corporation 
5 26 million hectares of modified in the world ?
6 of the área plantad with such crops corresponded to ?
   Soya beans maize cotton and canola 
7 which lead to visión impairment and incrasad susceptibility ? 
 Diarrea respiratory diseases and measles  
8 What new transgenic incorporating genes ?
  Herbicide tolerance disease and insect resistance reduced grow rates 
9 is now being grown for a projected of nicotine ? 
  Nicotine free tabaco 
10 What is the business of transgenic productions ?
The business of transgenic production is the manufacturing of potentially unlimited quantities of biologically active proteins in the milk of transgenic animals, at production levels that meet market demands.

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